9 thoughts to “It’s a beautiful day for Golden Gardens”

  1. What – no bus? How did I get there? oh I bused and walked. The 17 leads downhill rather nicely. the 46 is walking more through parkng lots. But then again maybe I took the 28 up towards carkeek or that 21 or 22 to Lincoln park.

  2. People were openly drinking in the north end of the parking lot. I encourage anyone who sees this to call the police like I did. They were in cars and most likely would be driving very soon. Lets not let these people ruin the park for us this summer.

  3. Drinkers at Golden Gardens. OMG Really? Are there still beer sales on state run ferries? I'm sure everybody practiced “safe drinking”. Heck, they even warn us on their ads. So I'm sure everything was fine. To think there used to be actual cruising along with the weekend drag races there not all that long ago. Or does anybody remember this? Or were you around then? Don't run with those scissors kiddies. Time for the “brown-shirts”?

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