Car crashes into building on Leary

A car plowed through the front of a business at 4012 Leary Way.

It happened just before 6 p.m. Witnesses tell us that the black Honda was speeding towards Fremont on Leary and hit the Land Rover. The Honda ended up in the building. We’re told that there are no injuries.

It appears that the business is Seattle Wheel Service. According to their website they “repair wheels that are bent, broken and otherwise compromised.”

Geeky Swedes

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19 thoughts to “Car crashes into building on Leary”

  1. Does the business happen to be a mechanic? I googled it, and thats kind of funny, well, not if anyone was hurt, and it's not funny that the business got a car run in through it's doors.

    You know…

  2. Milo the man hatin' kat is back on the board! Can't we all get along? Besides, the driver was on their cellphone texting their pitbull.

  3. Baa-Baa Black Sheep, are you a hater too? No reference to sex of the driver in the post so not sure why there is all this hostility towards male drivers :)

    Regardless of plumbing that driver should be all washed up.

  4. No, I'm not a hater! I was attempting to express confusion regarding the “driving while male” comment. Apparently I was unsuccessful…

    As there was no mention of gender, I'm not sure what at all makes this sound like a case of driving while male.

  5. I happily stand corrected. Unfortunately for you guys, I either pack my own lunch or spend under $5 (but I'll share my Fritos with ya!)

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