Water main break floods Greenwood intersection

Updated 11:15 p.m. City crews have patched a water main break that turned Greenwood’s busiest intersection — 85th and Greenwood — into a brown, flowing river. The roadway is back open again.

Earlier Wednesday evening, the water turned the commute into chaos and sent business owners scrambling as floodwaters rose. PhinneyWood covered the story from the beginning and has all the amazing photos.

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31 thoughts to “Water main break floods Greenwood intersection”

  1. I've got to think that black car drove right into the mess. no way the water came up that fast!

    can't be good for the electrical system of that vehicle

  2. I just drove by and there is no water, but a car drove into a tree near the Office of Licensing. Bad day for that intersection.

  3. I just heard an officer describing an accident where a driver had a diabetic seizure and hit a tree. The officer was asking a traffic unit if there was a citation for that sort of thing. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the same incident you mentioned above.

  4. I hope they do cite him! If you know you have a disease that can result in seizures you shouldn't be driving a car. That **should** be common sense. Someone could have been killed because this person decided to drive despite knowing this could happen.

  5. Seeing the pictures of cars driving through that intersection gave me the willies.
    I saw a car disappear in a sink hole in Woodinville driving over an undermined roadway much like this one. I'm glad it wasn't a repeat of that tragedy.
    Oh, and I hope all of the cats at paws were safe.

  6. Yes, indeed, let's take away the driver's license of EVERY person with a condition that has been known to cause seizure:

    1) hardening of the arteries
    2) high blood pressure
    3) pregnancy
    4) liver disease
    5) kidney disease
    6) diabetes
    7) high fever
    8) lead poisoning
    9) overheating

    I mean… these people have no right to a driver's license!!

  7. Not sure if you're trying to be facetious, but if you're at risk of having a seizure you shouldn't drive. You're a danger to yourself and others and you can take the bus or call a cab. Easy.
    Driving is not a right, but a privilege, and why should the rest of us be put at risk for your convenience?

  8. I'm merely pointing out that there are about a dozen different reasons why someone might have a seizure. And I find it very hard to believe that we, as a society, would start taking driver's licenses away from diabetics, some of whom are prone to seizure (and are on medication for it), and some who are not.

    And then there are those dangerous pregnant women…

  9. Please show me where in the US Constitution it says driving is a right. Being able to hurtle down the streets at 50MPH in the most powerful killing machine our country has is NOT a right! I know that's hard for some stupid people in this country to comprehend.

  10. Yep, and that's a dozen reasons for them not to drive! You need to get over this “me first” sense of entitlement and realize you live among other people.

  11. with this sort of logic, probably no one over the age of 70 should be driving either.

    with obesity on the rise, and diabetes to go with it, do you really think we should outlaw these people from driving?

    there's plenty of 'non-stupid' people in this country who fulfill the current restrictions on driving (age, eyesight, etc.) that believe it is their 'right'

    besides, how many accidents do these seizures cause, relative to the real stupid people yapping on their cell phones or texting away.

    it is my right to be stupid, see?

  12. Why in the hell does the argument always swing to “where in the Constitution” when these sorts of discussions arise?! Get over yourself with the everybody's stupid but me theme when there are other opinions on subjects like this.

  13. No, there are plenty of people over 70 who can safely drive. However there are also plenty who shouldn't be. Many states require more frequent licensing tests once you hit 65 years for this very reason.

    If someone has a form of diabetes that makes them prone to having seizures then yes, they should be prohibited from driving. How is it any different than allowing a person with poor eyesight to drive? Either way, you have a condition that prevents you from safely driving. Personally, I have little sympathy for fat, lazy people who become obese and then become diabetic as a direct result of their sloth. Obesity is almost entirely a preventable condition, especially for adults. Nobody is forcing you to vast quantities of fat, crappy food. I used to be obese as well but guess what? I took personal responsibility for my actions. I used self discipline to lose weight and change my diet. Now I run 40-60 miles/week and can run a marathon with no problem. The rise in diabetes in this country is largely due to people being fat, lazy and unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions. Obesity rates and diabetes rates have pretty much skyrocketed in tandem.

    Just because a bunch of people think driving is their right doesn't mean it is. Again, try reading the Constitution and tell me where it mentions driving.

    Texting certainly causes cause more accidents than seizures. What's your point? Are you saying we should only enforce the law that applies to the leading cause of car crashes and ignore all other factors that can cause a car crash? We should ignore DUI laws? Ignore speed limits? That's a pretty asinine idea. Sort of like saying since heart disease kills more people than brain cancer we shouldn't spend any money on brain cancer research since it kills fewer people.

    If you can't safely operate a motor vehicle for any reason you shouldn't be on the road. Don't know why you find that concept so difficult to comprehend.

  14. So you think it's ok to keep driving if you have a risk of seizures?
    Think about it…rather than be inconvenienced and take the bus, which many people do anyway, you think it's ok to continue to drive with the potential of losing control and crashing that car into other people . That's nuts.

  15. It is far too easy to get a license in this country. I'd prefer to see a far more rigorous testing process. I'd be fine with 90%+ failing the written exam the first time and failing the driving test a few times too.
    Nobody should be allowed out on the roads without having the skills to drive properly and avoid accidents.

  16. Uh… Sea Spider. Don't know what causes you to have such a violent reaction to my fact-based post, but, where is this “me first” crap coming from? Here's little hint for you: I wasn't talking about myself. I'm not prone to seizures. I was giving you facts and you responded in such a ridiculous, over-the-top manner that I'm actually concerned YOU are on the verge of having a seizure.

    And the U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with this, but then you already knew that, didn't you?

  17. The Chase bank at this intersection's server is down today due to their basement flooding last night. They are processing transactions, but have to call other branches to check your balance, etc. If you have banking needs I'd go to another branch today.

  18. Not to speak for SeaSpider, but you did say “I mean… these people have no right to a driver's license!!”
    and as a matter of fact there is no right to a drivers license. For anyone. Just like the DOL tells you… Driving is a privilege, not a right.
    To me driving with a known risk of seizures is hardly different than driving drunk. Maybe you'll make it home, maybe you'll plow into a school bus full of nuns and orphans killing scores in an inferno of charred flesh.

  19. *Everyone* is at risk of a seizure, stroke, or other sudden health impairment that could endanger others if you were driving. (Anyone may happen to have a congenital aneurysm or something like that.) The question is which conditions increase one's risk so significantly above the background risk we all face that one should not be allowed to drive.

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