Ballard businesses featured on NBC News

Cupcake Royale has been in the national spotlight recently because the owner, Jody Hall, is fighting for healthcare reform. She’s frustrated that, as a small business owner, the healthcare that she buys for her eligible employees gets her half the coverage of what the big companies are getting for the same price.

Tonight she was on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams (watch above). She says that she offers healthcare for all employees who work more than 25 hours a week. “I feel like it’s a moral obligation for a company that takes from the community, so to speak,” Hall says in Robert Bazell’s piece, sitting in the Ballard cafe. “Because they bring their dollars in here to really support the community behind the counter to make sure they have a viable job that’s gonna, you know, a company that supports them. It’s getting harder and harder.” Velouria and Sonic Boom were also included in the NBC piece. Hall was recently on NPR’s “Morning Edition” talking about the same subject. You can listen to that interview here. (Thanks Scott & Jennifer for emailing us!)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

115 thoughts to “Ballard businesses featured on NBC News”

  1. Wonderful!! How wonderful to see a smart and articulate and local entrepreneur contributing to the health care discuss instead of those loud freaks shouting at Senators about death panels and socialism and Kenyan birth certificates.

  2. I suspect many of her employees work 24 hrs/week.

    Big companies buy in bulk so they probably receive a discount.
    And they don't have to shop in a warehouse!

    Solution: open more stores and hire more employees.

  3. Ditto! You rock! And I know where I'm going for all of my cupcake needs.
    I have worked part time and I've worked places where I've been the only employee. The restrictions put on the smaller businesses regarding health care for employees is insane.

  4. Intelligent and informed? You want the people in charge of the post office and DMV to have access to your medical records? The Republican plan would mandate insurance companies cover everyone and allow interstate competition. Currently WA companies only compete with WA companies. I don't have insurance through my company. I'm 44 and pay $331 out of pocket per month for full coverage. Not too bad considering I have access to the best healthcare in the world!

  5. So we're all ready to say to hell with American exceptionalism for European style crap? Check Canada a whole lot more thoroughly people. How many are heading to Canada for their health care? Where do many from around the world come to get better? Do we want a panel and their quotas/rationing? Start thinking and stop feeling. DMV's are closing. Parks are now a target. This wouldn't happen with health care, would it? Hey Doug, are there any union goons/thugs at these meetings? Or just people you disagree with? I thought dissention was “patriotic” sport? I guess it is, when it comes to hating Bush and anything conservative. Why does anybody want to be a slave to government? I'm going to my Dr. today. I'm paying for it. I paid for my GD MRI too. I got it. I don't want anybody here paying for my shit. This action wil become illegal under socialized medicine. Got communism?

  6. Good friends just moved down from Vancov. to Ballard due to Canadian health care. He was 16 months out on his ACL! The list was based on pain levels, he should have said it hurt worse. They live in Ballard now and love Swedish.

  7. Eat the cupcakes and get fat. Under ObamaCare you'll get a visit from your local “Quality of Life” panel saying you need to reconsider breathing for the benefit of the rest of us.

    Say those cupcakes got any trans fats?? I'm bringing my portable GCMS and we'll find out . . . .

    Say, if we get ObamaCare do you know what that means; the Canadians are really screwed! Now at least they can take a trek south of the border to get top notch medical care. After OsamaCare where will they go?

    Here's a thought: Have OsamaCare be the ONLY one all federal employees who have worked more than 8 hours as a federal employee since 1950 and their immediate families in all branches of the federal government can have. Lead by example I say. If it ain't good enough for the half white half wit and his family we have in the White House now it ain't good enough for the rest of us.

  8. This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the food and drug administration.

    At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency, using legal tender issed by the federal reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.

    After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal’s inspection, and which has not been plundered of all it’s valuables thanks to the local police department.

    I then log on to the internet which was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration and post on and fox news forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can’t do anything right.

  9. Dogman, Did you just call the President of the US a “half white half wit” ??!!

    Take your asinine opinions over to the fox new forums dude.

  10. Well aren't you just a pefect little ward of the state. God forbid anyone have a differing view on matters related to their health care. Let's just take the government at its word and subject ourselves to whatever they feel is best for us.

    I suppose you had no issues with anything the Bush administration did either, since they are part of the government utopia you are so fond of.

  11. Whoa! Dogman, I take exceptional offense to your comment about our president. I hope your comment is removed. I find it hard to believe you live in Ballard.

  12. Thank you for taking the time to write all of that, svent5cent. Well done! And, I agree completely.

    I lived in Canada for a large part of my adult life, and while it was sometimes a trial to wait for elective surgery, it was a huge relief to know that a major health problem would not devastate my family. I truly hope that President Obama is able to bring a national healthcare program to the U.S.

  13. The post office delivers about 50 times the email ever day than any other service and they do it cheaply and timely.

    Your $331 will mean nothing if you ever get sick.

  14. sdrake – it's a good thing for folks like you that you have the choice to opt out of the coverage under the current bill. You might want to take a closer look at the facts before your panties get in too much of a twist.

  15. Svent5cent–a well-crafted argument nicely put.

    And Name, please take your snide “perfect little ward of the state” comment and your tinfoil hat to the next town hall meeting. You're sure to find a few like-minded “thinkers” there with whom you can stamp your little feet and wail about death panels and other such nonsense.

  16. I'm actually much more comfortable with that then having someone with solely a profit motive deciding how much healthcare they're willing to pay for.

  17. I used to work in a field where a lot of people got hurt. often. The ACL and MCL injuries were frequent and only the US citizens were the ones limping around for years without getting them even looked at. We have some very good doctors who specialize in ACL/MCL reconstruction but what good is it if you can't afford to see them or your insurance won't pay for it?
    I know a heck of a lot more Americans walking around without ACL/MCL surgery than I do from the groups of Canadians and Europeans. Your friend from Canada may have had to wait a year, which is either very uncommon or his condition wasn't severe, but I know quite a few people who will never get it until they can save up the thousands of dollars it costs, if ever.
    The other issue here is that your Canadian friends don't have to worry about being bankrupted by their medical bills which is common here, even for people with insurance.

  18. So anyone who questions health-care reform is a wailing footstomper who believes in “death panels”? That is nonsense. I am merely pointing out while government does do a lot of things well, that does not mean that we shouldn't raise questions. You can't pick and chose what is acceptable protest. Not all people who question this reform are extremists.

    I was harsh in my comments yes, but dragging every single government program into the mix of this healt care reform debate doesn't really address the issues at hand.

  19. Seems to me that the big problem is that our health insurance is often tied to employment at a specific company. Why should you have to (possibly) lose your health insurance just because you are changing jobs? Why should companies have to deal with health insurance at all, instead of focusing on what they are good at?

  20. But you are the opposite, and a hypocrite. Somehow you've worked yourself up into a froth over anything that the government proposes, but for what reason? You despise the government yet you enjoy the plethora of government services and protections all the while claiming the government can't do anything.

    The bush years did leave us with the do not call registry.

  21. It's also a huge disincentive to innovation. If you want to start your own business the health insurance issue can be a real barrier. I know this from first hand experience.
    For the companies it's also a big problem in that it makes our workers more expensive than workers overseas. I'm always surprised that 'big business' hasn't been leading the charge for a single payer system.

  22. Republicans love to mandate things without enforcing them by either cutting funds or appointing useless oversight, see; SEC, FEMA etc. It allows them to claim both sides of the argument without taking a stand.

    When you meet someone that has to fight a major disease like pancreatic cancer, you will quickly learn we do no have the best healthcare in the world. One can't even get the scan for it until it is big enough to detect through other methods in which case it is too late. Too late for a whipple procedure which doesn't matter because it's considered exploratory so it wouldn't be covered anyway. Unless you were in Denmark, Germany, or any other industrialized nation except us.

  23. Full of PHAIL. Firstly as someone who has resided in a socialized country I can tell you their healthcare was phenomenal, and that health care plan is nothing like what is being proposed.Secondly this isn't socialized or communist. It's the option to use another provider -you know “competition” the thing that reactionary republicans ardently cling to (aside for 9/11) when running for re-election then conveniently forget about (see no bid contracts to campaign contributers). Thirdly on numerous occasions the US has operated as a socialized country, yes you read that correctly. Our most triumphant days occurred under social allocation (see rationing in the 40's, the GI Bill 1944 as good examples).
    Might want to learn about the economic history of our country, before blasting your McCarthy era slogans.

  24. Another reason that the US spends more than twice as much on healthcare yet lags far behind in what we get for it.
    This argument that we have the best doctors and technology in the world is pointless if nobody can afford, or be allowed by their insurance, to see them.
    It's like arguing that a town doesn't need any parks because it has an exclusive golf club with a $150,000 per year membership fee.

  25. Where on EARTH do you get coverage for $331 a month for FULL coverage? Seriously….I pay MUCH more than that for myself and my children, and 80% coverage is the best coverage we could get. I am a SAHM mom, and must pay out of pocket for our coverage.

    Listen everyone, this “government” plan is going to allow people like me, who do NOT HAVE AN EMPLOYER to pay for health care costs, to be able to purchase health care at a much reasonable rate, the same health care that our government employees are entitled to. I'm going to have a choice, whereas right now, my choices are extremely limited. I pay through the nose for myself and my family for coverage that is less than stellar, and it's eating us alive. For the last two years in a row we've paid over $10k out of pocket, EACH YEAR, for health care premiums and medical costs that were not covered by insurance. We are struggling. Families like mine need help.

    All this “government” program is – is allowing people like me to have choices. No one is saying that you have to switch coverage – you have good coverage now- you keep it. Nothing has to change. As for myself, I'd like to have an opportunity to purchase a decent health care plan for my family that's not going to drive us straight to the poor house. Our health insurance just went up $50 a person this last month, that's ANOTHER $150 a month for myself and my two children. Did our coverage get any better? No….

  26. Or any sort of “universal mandate” system. Thanks for mentioning that important point.

    I'm not convinced that single-payer specifically is resistant enough to fraud, based on the current examples of Medicaid and Medicare.

  27. I lost my primary job in February, and would have lost all coverage if I wasn't married. Fortunately, I have very good coverage through my spouse.

    You are completely correct, Mondoman – coverage should not be tied to a specific employer. I'm happy to not go back to work full time AND part time, when I make a decent living waiting tables (which is a lot more fun than a cubicle job).

    Coverage should also not be tied to the luck of having an insured spouse. Not only should being single be ok, but when we tell gay people there is no need for them to get married, what about health insurance??

  28. That's the problem…the options for coverage are limited, as they are now. The government option will allow for more competative rates and better coverage.

  29. The options for coverage are limited. I wish I could just get different coverage, but all the options currently are the same and are just as expensive.

  30. For all the naysayers – how many of you have actually gone to and read an/or listened to what this proposal actually entails? For most of you, your coverage is not going to change – what IS going to change is that people who don't have insurance or can't afford it, or would like better insurance – we are now going to have the opportunity to do that – options we didn't have before. I'm having a hard time understanding why so many people are against that.

  31. svent5cent,
    Your post here is my current absolute favorite post of any I have read anywhere in the health care reform debate. Thank you for putting it out there. I'll be directing my friends to read it.

  32. So many people are against that because they haven't done any research for themselves. I think you are spot on with your recommendation to investigate what the proposal actually entails. Problem is, most people are too lazy. I always get weird looks when people approach me to sign a petition. I always tell these signature gatherers that I can't sign when I've only heard their side of the argument. How can anyone sign a petition when they've only heard one side? But, I guess most people don't believe in research.

  33. Um no…..and obviously I can afford the coverage, but that's not the point. The point is that health care access needs to be more affordable for EVERYONE. Why, sir, are you against that? I look forward to an intelligent response – otherwise, quit being a troll.

  34. I don't believe they're lazy. I believe they're WILLFULLY ignorant. They would rather have dump and run Palin's debunked comments, followed by Glenn Beck than actually learn something new. Learning takes effort. Reading headlines from Palin's facebook or Glenn Beck calling the president a racist is a willful act when the facts are so readily accessible. Furthermore, the fact they will get on “the google” to find a forum to post their nonsense indicates that they have both the knowledge to look it up, as well as the ability, but willfully stay away from any site which contains the proposal.

  35. I keep reading that people will have the option not to go with the governments plan. While yes, that is true, what I don't think your looking at is that there is NO WAY most company's are going to pay this huge tax and then also pay for a private health care. As someone who works closely with a couple of small business, the extra tax is going to hurt them that much more then all the taxes they already have. I've heard (and could be wrong) that the average person will cost about $10,000 under the governments plan, can you tell me how that's even ok?? NO ONE would pay $10,000 per year on health insurance, but since its getting stuck into our taxes (for everyone to pay, not just the people who use it) and our future generations taxes its somehow ok?
    I have a feeling that many small business will start to pay their employees under the table to escape this extra tax. Less people on the payroll system means less taxes being collected overall. I think you can see where that is going.
    I would also like to note that they can barely keep track of the cash for clunkers program and they have done an even worse job with the “stimulus” package. What makes you think they can handle this!??

  36. Your insurance went up $150 a month? Do you have any idea how much gas costs for a new Gulfstream V corporate jet? Those toilet seats aren't going to gold plate themselves you know!
    All snark aside, it's shocking to see the level of corporate compensation on these insurance companies. SEven and eight figure salaries, and well into nine figures after stock options. After the first $50 million in income how much do you really need? What the hell do you need another $225,000,000 every year to be CEO of a company you did not even start up? I'm not opposed to someone who has a good idea and works to get it going into a viable business making some money, but these guys are just suits getting hired to run, and often poorly run an existing company.

  37. I heard it's going to be a tax of a million dollars on each person! And the post office gave me my neighbor's cable bill once like five years ago, so how can they do a good job on this? And I heard that they will use dogs to sniff you and if the dog doesn't like you then Obama himself will kill you! It's true!

  38. Although any fraud is unacceptable, the overall level of fraud in any of these programs is tiny.
    This is like not taking the rescue helicopter out of the flash flood because the pilot might take your wallet.

  39. Not those from other countries hitching a ride on our shuttles.

    But I understand China's health care is top notch!
    Cuba's as well. So much so that Castro went to Spain to get an operation. That's gotta hurt if your a doc. in Cuba!

    Funny, no other nation I know of possesses space shuttles or has placed a man on the moon or sent probes beyond the solar system.
    The Russians have concentrated on long term space stations and have socialized medicine. Anybody wanna go to Russia, China, Cuba, or anywhere else for an operation?

  40. Because we are all going have to pay for it, that's why.

    You want better insurance, get an extra job and pay for it yourself.
    Don't have insurance – get some and pay out of pocket like the rest of us.
    There are plenty of plans out there – research.
    I'd love the coverage the President has, but I cannot afford it.
    So I afford what I can.
    In other words grow up.

  41. Again, obviously, you haven't even read what the Pres is proposing as far as health care is concerned. Your response is complete nonsense. Why don't you READ what is being proposed, and if you don't like it, come back on here and explain why. YOU need to do YOUR research, my friend.

  42. You know what – I already DO pay $10k a year for insurance premiums and for health care costs not covered by said insurance I'm paying for. And there are MANY people out there like me – I'm just a regular joe, working as a stay at home mom, and having to insure myself and my two children. Were I to get on my husband's insurance plan – we'd have to switch to an HMO (which I am not opposed to) but we'd be paying even MORE a month than we do now.

  43. JACS, READ what the President is proposing. You do NOT have facts. This is NOT socialized medicine. Quit spewing nonsense. When you have your facts straight, come on back.

  44. Yes. Keep listening to Glen Beck and the Fox News crew. You'll be able to recite your “I heards” for an eternity. I'm hesitant to respond to this for if I do, you'll just come up with an additional allotment of unsubstantiated “I heard” despite the fact that you admit to have read (NUMEROUS TIMES!) that people will have the option to use other plans.

    As for the question of finance, it was asked of Obama today at his town hall, towards the end. Here it is:

  45. Sometimes those “extra jobs” aren't so easy to get.

    Also, why should a person have to work 80 hours a week to receive health care? It's about quality of life.

    I love how your solution is literally “get some.”

  46. Where do you think the money to implement and sustain this plan will come from? Taxes, taxes, taxes and more taxes.

    Again, if you wish coverage or better coverage pay for it yourself.

  47. First of all, where do I state a solution?

    Second of all, my employer pays for mine, but *gasp* I also think that people without this luxury should have access to fricking health care.

    I mean c'mon! Isn't this obvious? EVERYONE should have access to health care. I feel absurd even debating it sometimes.

  48. Again, again, again, you haven't read the plan.

    People who make over $250k/year – yes will have to pay a higher tax.

    In WA, the best coverage I could get -as an individual with no employer – is 80% coverage. Even if I wanted better coverage, it's simply NOT available. Obviously you have never had to price out health insurance for yourself of your family. Lucky you.

  49. How terrible that you might have to actually pay for the privilege of living in a civilized nation. Go to Pakistan where you can step over dead bodies in the street and see what life is like in a nation where most cannot afford healthcare.

  50. I have lived in countries – first world countries – with socialized medicine. Those that can come here for care.

    Oh, how long do you (Tastyviddles) think $250,000 per year will stay as the cutoff? And where do think those making$250,000 per year are going to recoup their losses? If they own a business I can guess where.

    It might help matters if those pushing this “plan” planned to be on it as well. Eliminate the plan federal employees and their families get, which is excellent and which will not be touched by this plan, and put them all on the proposed one, including elected officials. Ask your two senators and your representative this point blank and see if they are willing to make this the only plan available for all federal employees and their families. Those that I've seen asked this at town hall meetings have dodged this question like it was a glowing, ticking nuclear device. I believe our “esteemed” President was even asked this and his answer was “no”.

    If a cook will not eat his dishes, you'd be a fool to take a bite.

  51. He is proposing the federal government stick its nose further in the healthcare industry with the objective being to have a single payer system in place (socialized medicine) in 10-15 years. This from his own lips while speaking to a group of Teamsters (or some other union, I cannot recall which) during the course of the campaign.

  52. But you are affording it.
    There will always be folks who cannot afford coverage no matter how little it costs for a variety of reasons.
    Thus, to make sure all are covered it must be free.
    You think it's expensive now, wait until it is free!

  53. Outlaw all health insurance, including government plans.
    Make folks pay for their own health care.
    Costs will drop like a rock.
    Why? No more deep pockets.
    Hospitals charge $250 for an aspirin because they know the insurance companies will pay it. If they know the patient will be footing the bill the prices will come down dramatically.

  54. As a federal employee I can tell you we are on the same plans as are most Americans. We have a choice of about 15 plans here in WA and we pay a percentage of our premiums. SO to which plan do you refer? Here is a link if that will help you specify.

    They have ‘dodged’ it because it makes no sense. IF there is a public option, which is sadly unlikely, we will have that choice also. It's like the old, “when did you stop beating your wife?” A loaded question has no answer.

  55. That was because George W. Bush had Karl Rove and Dick Cheney poisoned the water supply, so we could invade Canada and George would then read our e-mails!

    I hear waterboarding will be an option in the plan for those with clogged sinuses?

  56. How about the one Senator Kennedy has?
    If it is good enough for a fat, drunk senator whose committed vehicular homicide why not his employer, all of them?

    How about the one Baghdad Jim has?
    If it is good enough for a treasonous convict why not his employer, all of them?

    How about the one Madame Speaker has?
    If it is good enough for her while flying on USAF executive jets why not her employer, all of them?

    How about the one our affirmative action President has?
    If it is good enough for a community organizer who pals around with terrorists and cannot put two words together without the use of modern technology why not his employer, all of them?

    WHEN they use it I'll think about it.

  57. Now that is not a worthwhile comment Alonzo.

    If JAC knows what plan is used by Congress and exactly how it works and what it costs I would love for him to give us details. I often hear JAC’s accusation but no one seems to have any actually information. Since the same folks, as JAC has stated he believes, seem to think federal employees have something special my guess is maybe the myth of congressional healthcare is just that… a myth. Congress has FEHBP, which is exactly what I have, meaning they choose from among many plans available locally. Certainly larger groups, such as federal employees, can negotiate a better rate. Basically what most of the plans being offered do is give that same large group benefit to everyone which is exactly what JAC insists he wants. Therefore I cannot understand his anger? He is being offered exactly what he insists that he wants??????

  58. Actually the federal government is hiring right now and there are some great jobs available. One seldom gets rich but the jobs are steady with good benefits and they still have a defined pension plan. It is not as good as it was, thank you Ronald Reagan, but it is still better than most offered. A 401K with a 5% match is additionally available and it has lower admin fees than most private plans. Oh and we pay into and get SS also.

  59. Those of you against the president's plan need to articulate precisely what you are against, AFTER reading the plan yourselves.

    Relying on other sources for your “information” is making y'all look like uninformed participants in a dialog. I'm being kind here.

    Please, READ, and address facts, not opinions and distortions.

    Rants about socialism and such are so 1950's… :P

  60. Lame. Health care is not a partisan issue.

    Pals around with terrorists….? Oh great, now those ridiculous talking points McCain fed Palin….

    I have a Bridge To Nowhere to sell you if you believe that junk ;)

    Can you articulate this in your own words, or just rely on others to do the thinking and analysis?

    Republicans in Congress get the same health care that you mention for Kennedy, McDermott, and Pelosi. Why don't you mention them?

  61. Yes Alonzo it does get old hearing what a great deal I have when I know what I have is soso and it is public record for anyone who cares to actually look.

  62. I'd like to have the government stick it's nose in healthcare just as I like the FDA sticking it's nose in my food to make sure it doesn't kill me. Under the past administration the FDA was cut back to give business more freedom. The result? All sorts of salmonella and tainted food outbreaks that killed people.
    You don't trust the government's motives to look after all the people, while I don't trust business' motive to look after their profits at the expense of the people.
    Health care is one of the places where a profit motive isn't a good thing. When a business that is focused on profit can deny treatment to save money the temptation to do so is too great.

  63. You have all missed my point.

    If Obama's public healthcare plan is so good whatever it is in that rat's maze of a bill, make that the plan federal employees have. Have Congress mandate that plan for the federal government. All the congressmen bar one I have heard who have been asked this have dodged the question entirely. Only one, Tsongas (D-Mass.), had the guts to be honest and say “no”. Lead by example.

    GOP, Democrat, Whig, Bull Moose I don't care. Let them have it first.

    I have a job thanks.

    By the way, that “bridge to nowhere”, actually does connect a town, a small one yes but a town, to the rest of the Alaskan road system. Problem with transportation? If it were here you'd say zilch about it. That is one of the duties of congressmen and senators; to get federal funds into their districts and states. A duty all take seriously for their jobs depend on it to a large degree. This is why Baghdad Jim is quite upset that NOAA and its 170+ jobs is leaving Seattle for Oregon in 2011. Why do you think Bimbo Murray got all hot and bothered over federal funds for our ferries being essentially chump change (I believe Mass. was getting orders of mag. more yet we have the largest fleet in the USA). Who do you think called the Seattle Times to tell them about her ranting and raving to the head of the Dept. of Transportation over it. . . ?

  64. Why mandate it for us. It will not be mandated for other americans? Like all americans we get a choice. Is that wrong somehow? My guess is many feds woudl choose a public offering. Right now I choose GEHA which is cheap but a piss poor plan.

    Only NOAA Operations Center is leaving Seattle. The Fisheries Science Center and all of Sand Point will remain. Sand Point will be a regional center for financial operations s in the near future so my guess is all the sea going jobs at the Ops Center will be replaced with better jobs.

    JAC of course local representatives lobby for their states. The issue is that Palin lied about it.

  65. This is why all libertarians should have to spend a year in a true libertarian society, like the current Somalia. No government to speak of and plenty of guns.
    All snark aside, the entire idea of insurance is socialist at its core. The many contribute a little so that the large needs of the few can be met. This is also the basis of all civilization, being able to put aside some of your immediate needs for the betterment of the group, and for your own betterment down the line.
    You pay your taxes so that you can have roads, police, fire dept, education, etc, all the things that you couldn't afford to have on your own if you had to pay for them as you need them. What's the cost of a fire response? I'm guessing that it would be pretty expensive if you broke down the salaries and equipment cost of a fire dept against the number of calls they make. I've never had to call the fire dept, thankfully, but I happily contribute my share to paying those guys and I'm glad that they're around if needed. Health insurance should be the same way, we all pay in and then if one of us gets sick they are taken care of without being bankrupted.

  66. I see that jacs is getting frustrated that his repetition of the rantings of a drug addled overweight thrice divorced philandering pedophile radio host are being met with resistance. Kind of a shocker to find out that all you “dittoheads” are being fed a line of crap all this time.

  67. JACS,

    “GOP, Democrat, Whig, Bull Moose I don't care. Let them have it first.”

    I suppose you will next say “Diapers” Vitter, “Airport Men's Room” Craig, and “Don't Cry For Me Argentina” Sanford..?

  68. Your first point is quite valid.

    Your last statement is just downright puzzling. Looking at the massive debt the federal government is saddling on our children and grand children, I think it is a very salient issue right now. No worries. Just tell them: “Y'all” have fun servicing that debt!

  69. Midwest:
    Very nice – Sanford is a state governor and not a fed. though. I kept my fed. examples local. Still, I like it!

    In a speech Obama gave during the campaign he said that this is a start and that he wants it a single payer system – socialized medicine – 10-15 years out. This will really hurt us here, as this “plan” as it stands now has nearly no funds in it for research.

  70. Get over it. No one whined when GOPers increased the deficit. At least with progressive taxes it comes from those who can most afford it.

  71. “I mean c'mon! Isn't this obvious? EVERYONE should have access to health care. I feel absurd even debating it sometimes.”

    I regret that I could only “like” this once.

  72. SweetRose:

    Some employers offer many options, some only one health insurance plan. Don't like them; don't take the plan(s) or work elsewhere. But I am not trying to gang up on federal employees as they, apart from elected officials, do not make policy. My point is that if elected officials are balking at any public option for them, why should it be good enough for the rest of us; their employers. This is really fueling the rage.

    Read this little article by R. Givhan. It sums up a lot.

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