In order to help reduce the amount of storm water that flows into the combined sewer system, Seattle Public Utilities will be constructing roadside raingardens along some Ballard streets.
Example of a roadside raingarden.
Starting next month, SPU will begin installation of raingardens in the public-right-of-way across ten blocks between NW 65th St and NW 85th St and 28th Ave NW and 31st Ave NW. Construction along parking strips, streets and alleys is not expected to take more than three weeks on each individual block. Planting in the raingardens will take place this fall and the entire project should be wrapped up by November.
To learn more about the construction process and schedule, there is a meeting tonight at 6 p.m. at the Sunset Hill Community Club (3003 NW 66th St.) More information on the Roadside Raingarden project can be found here.
It’s great to see that the city of Seattle has finally mastered it’s secret technique of directing storm water run-off from entire neighborhoods to flow down sidewalks, around driveways and other curb cuts and into a scattered patchwork of small scruffy water-absorbent plantings. I’m sure this will be money well spent.
Nice. Although with some you need a machete to get past them on the sidewalks.
I wonder if this is being funded via federal stimulus package funds?
I seem to remember an article some time back, that indicated that a similar project in Ballard was being funded this way.
It’s interesting to see how (and if) stimulus package funds are being spent in North Seattle.
But where will my dog poop?
“Property owners ‘in close proximity to’natural drainage projects report that their property values have increased as a result.” What about property values actually in the projects rather than near them? Maybe the values of the neighbor ‘s place goes up because fewer people will buy the ones with the actual drainage ditches?
Oh no, the city wants to take away my oil-spotted patch of asphalt and put in plants. Lord knows 14th & 58th looks so much worse now with bioswales instead of concrete. And have you been by Ballard Corners Park? Ugh, those ugly plants along the roadway just ruin the whole thing. Seriously, you people will complain about anything and everything.
Wow, what a what a bunch of short sighted crabs. These raingardens will trap a lot of pollution over the years which would otherwise be dumped into Lake Union and the Sound.