Start planning ‘Night Out’ activities

Don’t let the annual “Night Out Against Crime” sneak up on your block. It’s one month from Saturday, so it might be worth talking to the neighbors about whether or not your block wants to have a party.

Annual neighborhood photo on the 7500 block of 26th.

Each year many streets in Ballard are closed down and neighbors meet in the middle of the street for the national crime prevention event. Neighbors who don’t live on arterial streets can close down their block for the evening of August 3rd from 6 p.m. to midnight.

Irish musicians entertain neighbors on the 6700 block of 9th Ave NW.

Some blocks have live music, others have the fire department show up and others grill up burgers and dogs, have activities for kids and just enjoy each other’s company. You can get more information on the Night Out here or register your block here.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

3 thoughts to “Start planning ‘Night Out’ activities”

  1. Sorry to change the subject, but what the heck is that alarm that’s going off right now (9:45am). It goes off for hours at a time, a couple times a week. Just brutal! Anyone else here it?

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