Sustainable Ballard held its annual festival Sunday with a different approach than previous years. Held on 10/10/10 to synchronize with the Global Work Party organized by the climate-change group, Sustainable Ballard emphasized work parties over its traditional festival at Ballard Commons Park.
On Sunset Hill, a group learned how to assemble storm windows while building a few for the Sunset Hill Community Association’s clubhouse.
At Ballard Commons Park, groups learned how to make a solar cooker and repair a bicycle.
Photo courtesy Jenny Heins of Sustainable Ballard.
Over at Golden Gardens, a group helped with native habitat restoration. At the Ballard Community Center, another work party put together worm bins and learned about composting. In all, Sustainable Ballard organized 10 work parties out of 30 held in Seattle.
“We really like the mission of ,the idea of doing action as well as education this year, and we wanted to emphasize the community aspect of Sustainable Ballard,” said Jenny Heins, Sustainable Ballard’s president.
The traditional event at Ballard Commons — normally held in September — was scaled back compared to previous years, and the rain kept the crowds away. “We may go back to a little earlier in the year next year, but the community action day has been really successful,” Heins said. “A lot of people missed the educational booths and the more active festival in the park, so somehow we need to figure out how to combine the two.”
You can see photos of work parties held across the globe on
If they had Truckasaurus I would have brought the kids.
Greenwood/Ballard CoolMom and WestSide Baby collected 290 car seats for recycling and re-use in the Viking Bank parking lot! The 60 reusable seats will be distributed by Westside Baby to families in need and Waste Management will tear-down and recycle the rest.