6 thoughts to “Fiery sunrise on Groundhog Day”

  1. Punxsutawney Phil is moot west of the Mississippi. We have a Marmot up in Wooland park who serves the purpose for Western Wash. I don’t know what the official word up a the zoo is, but it was kind of cloudy here in Ballard the last time I looked out.

  2. Punxsutawney Phil is moot west of the Mississippi. We have a Marmot up in Wooland park who serves the purpose for Western Wash. I don’t know what the official word up a the zoo is, but it was kind of cloudy here in Ballard the last time I looked out.

  3. Steven Thompson: are you a professional photographer? Do you sell prints of your work? I would very much LOVE to buy this photograph from you (my son loves trains and this is such a gorgeous picture of the train bridge). I want to hang this in my house. Please leave a comment and let us know!

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