Anonymous donor to match up to $10,000 to Food Bank

Your donation to the Ballard Food Bank food and cash drive could be doubled by an anonymous donor.

Greenwood Ohlund CPA sent us this information:

Greenwood Ohlund’s annual tax season food and cash drive for the Ballard Food Bank has an anonymous matching donor, matching up to $10,000 of cash contributions made to the Ballard Food Bank. All donations delivered to Greenwood Ohlund’s office will be matched up to $10,000. Please make your checks out to the Ballard Food Bank and mail or drop them by the office. The office is located downtown Ballard, across the street from the Ballard Market. The address is 1445 NW 56th St; Seattle, WA; 98107. Donations will be accepted through April 30, 2011.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

6 thoughts to “Anonymous donor to match up to $10,000 to Food Bank”

  1. Agreed Onder! Apparently not all people with money to spare have hardened their hearts. I do believe this is the time to make my own pitiful contribution and thank this person for making it less so.

  2. I’m already make a monthly contribution to the Ballard Food Bank and will mail my March and April donations to the address above so they get matched. I also applaud and will make an extra donation in addition. It’s nice that my little $30 a month can go a little further.

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