First graders raise hundreds for Red Cross

On Friday afternoon, a group of first graders from Adams Elementary set up a bake sale outside Rain City Video (6412 32nd Ave NW) to raise money for the Red Cross relief efforts for the Japan earthquake and Pacific tsunami.

“We raised an AMAZING $300.66,” parent Amber Christiansen tells us. “Not bad for a table full of cookies! Many kids came by and were eager to donate, and we even had one Adams first grader, Remy Cogan, donate her entire piggy bank – we were really moved.”

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11 thoughts to “First graders raise hundreds for Red Cross”

  1. and you did what?

    kids actually do something that most adults are too lazy to do, and still get this flack from the emotionally insecure that can only think about their own precious little lives?

    perhaps you and your friend edward should go back to elementary school to learn about the act of helping others.

  2. Pretty fancy get-up for an impromptu fundraiser. Nice job kids! As long is this aint another (like girl scout cookies) ploy for Mom’s to look cool and munch on cookies and trendy cupcakes…(scan the picture)

  3. He’s an angry leftist….he just gets angry at people he considers ‘rich’ even when they help others. Best he be ignored.

  4. Yes, because why teach your kids about the importance of donating their time and money to help out those in need when they can just ask mom and dad to write a check. You make perfect sense.

  5. if holding a fundraiser is a “ploy” to look “cool”…then i sure as hell wish more people would try to look “cool”. better to help the others while looking “cool” than to make nonsensical, pitiful, and downright sad posts in an attempt to look cool. Excellent attitude.

  6. She donated $300 to the Red Cross, bought the new shoes, and is helping to teach the kids how to be charitable. So what. You want an apology for your self esteem?

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