Students gearing up for ’24-Hour-Plays’

Fifty Ballard High School students are getting ready to put six plays together in 24-hours.

Victoria Shao sent us the following information:

At the 24-Hour Plays, we write, direct, produce, rehearse and perform 6 one-act plays (10-15 minutes long) in 24 hours. At the end of these 24 hours, all the plays go on stage in front of a live audience. All the props and costumes are donated by the participants themselves, making this a true production of 6 plays in 24 Hours. Not only is this a unique experience for the participants, but unique for the audience as well. This particular production is one-time-only. Ballard High School has produced the 24-Hour Plays before, this, being it’s third consecutive year.

The writers get to write about any topic they want. “Sometimes a costume, or prop piece is very popular amongst the writers, so it’s included in many plays. For example, last year, we had a bear suit. The majority of the writers wrote plays around that suit,” Shao explains. “So, no themes are assigned, they tend to just unintentionally happen.”

The public is invited to see their work. Curtain is at 7 p.m. at the Earl J. Kelly Performing Arts Center (1418 NW 65th St) on April 15th. Tickets are $5 and sold at the door.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

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