As every Seattleite knows, this spring has been nothing but damp, dreary and depressing (to many, anyway.) Now the New York Times has picked up on the wet weather, with a bit of a twist – the moss that appears to be growing everywhere. The moss loves this weather.
In yesterday’s paper, Tai Koenig and Mitch Jacobsen of Better Window Cleaning Seattle are seen on the rooftop of a Ballard home scraping off the happy green spores. “We’ve just gotten more and more into moss because it’s been so much wetter,” Jacobsen told the NYT. “There’s money in moss.” Jacobsen, who is the co-owner of the business, says he charges about $400 to clean rooftops.
You can read more in this New York Times article. (Thanks Karen for the tip!)
I’m not going to click on that article to verify this, but watch out, it probably counts against your 20 free NYT stories. That particular one will probably be republished in the Seattle Times, so I’ll wait, because I only open NYT articles that I really, really want to read.
I have Blue Star Creeper as groundcover, and I get a lot of moss in the same area. They battle: every Spring, the moss gets a head start, but by summer, the blue star is winning.
I don’t think the blue star creeper has a chance, this year.
why do people remove moss? it’s a beautiful plant.
especially to the tune of 400 bucks. seems like a ripoff for the 2-3 hours it could possibly take.
I like to refer to it as “Green Death” as it always tries to kill me this time of year when I step off the back porch onto the concrete where the sun hasn’t yet begun to shine.
The NYT “paywall” is very porous and extremely poorly implemented. Lots of ways to get around it. Google is your friend: defeat New York Times Paywall.
yes, but that’s your porch, not the roof. we should be encouraging green roofs, no?
Here comes the start of a long spring cleaning, I guess? To be honest, I like how moss gives my roofing that ‘nature-loving’ aura. Sadly, this moss would, in a long run, destroy my beloved roof. I read in a blog that you can actually prevent moss from growing by placing a copper strip in your roof.
Moss isn’t pretty on roofs ’cause it can really damage things up there and cause leaks. It might be useful on green roofing, but if not, it has to go away. It’s just one of the many things you need to do during spring cleaning.