Free painting supplies offered to cover up graffiti

The city is offering free supplies to cover up graffiti in our neighborhoods.

A spray-painted smiley face on Larsen’s Bakery in 2009.

For the next two months, groups and individuals can tackle graffiti with Seattle’s new anti-graffiti program, Summer Paint Out. The city will give volunteers free paint (white, brown or gray), rollers, brushes, scrapers and gloves to paint over graffiti.

Supplies can be picked up at the Seattle Public Utilities warehouse (3633 E Marginal Way S) on the following Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
-July 2
-July 16
-July 30
-August 6
-August 20

In order to receive the supplies, you must register first – use the link, email or call 206-684-7790.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

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