Ballardite beautifies traffic circle with city dollars

Taking full advantage of Seattle’s Small Sparks Fund, Ballardite Jaime Broersma, has recently upgraded her local traffic circle.

Earlier this spring, Broersma received $599 from the city to spruce up the traffic circle at 28th Ave NW and NW 59th St. She started by taking out the 30-year-old junipers and picking up the garbage. “Treasures found while cleaning out the TC [Traffic Circle]: 3 full cans of Miller High Life that were a bit old, multiple doggie tennis balls, some airline size alcohol bottles (empty), and a little 1 hit hash pipe,” she writes. They also found some hamster remains that were quickly re-buried.

Broersma, who writes the local hori hori dig dig blog, spent all of the city money and a bit of her own at the nursery then got to planting. “I applied because I didn’t want to pay for it all myself but I wanted some dirt to play in” she says. “Since then I’ve been awarded a plot in the Ballard P-patch so I have a new project to focus on.”

More information on the Small Sparks Fund can be found here.

Geeky Swedes

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