Salmon Bay School sign vandalized

The newly-refinished sign at Salmon Bay School has been destroyed.

Jennifer Millen, the Salmon Bay Gardening Committee Chair, tells us that someone tore the letters off the sign and smashed them to bits.

“It’s especially bothersome because the Gardening Committee that I participate in took it upon ourselves to give the weathered sign a fresh look this past June, which was re-stained, specialty letters replaced, and then each hand painted by one of our multi-talented parents in our committee,” she writes.

The cost to fix the sign is about four-hundred dollars, Millen tells us. “On the up side, an anonymous neighbor who lives right across the street was the first to find the sign and the destruction,” Millen says. “He immediately came over to the school, Friday a.m., to speak with our principal, Jodee Reed, to express how bad he felt for our school, because he has watched us work so hard to keep the grounds cleaned up. He appreciated that so much that he donated $100 to our repairs!”

After this incident, Millen plans to prune back the bushes in front of the sign and possibly add spotlights in front of it. “I thought the three street lights were sufficient, but even up by the sign and huge shrubs you can hide and it’s a bit dark. Maybe the bright spot lights and a little clearing will help,” she says.

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