Republican caucus tomorrow in Ballard

Amidst the flurry of news about the Republican primaries, Washington state has been busy planning for tomorrow’s caucuses. To find out your caucus location, visit here.

You don’t have to be previously registered as a Republican to attend. Any registered voter (you must also be registered in your precinct) is eligible, according to the Washington State Republican Party. However, in order to participate, you will be asked to sign a form that states you are a Republican, write in the candidate you wish to nominate, and pledge not to participate in any other party’s caucus.

Why hold caucuses? First of all, it’s the state’s way of voting for a Republican candidate. After signing the waiver, participants will be split off according to their precincts, where they’ll then work to nominate delegates to our county’s convention. That’s important because those nominated delegates will then be nominated from the county convention to the state convention, and later narrowed down to the 43 delegates representing Washington at the national convention.

The caucus will also consist of a discussion of the county’s platform, setting the tone for guiding principles and core values that should be addressed during the caucus. The format will mostly look like a Town Hall discussion, according to a representative from the Republican party.

The caucuses will be held from 10 a.m.. to 12 p.m. tomorrow, Saturday March 3.

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