4th of July fireworks blazed at the beach


Ballardites had an exciting 4th of July weekend, though some saw fireworks spark flames in the outlying grass at Golden Gardens.

Those who went to Golden Gardens witnessed a blazing sunset, as well as this near blazing grass fire caused by citizen fireworks. Golden Gardens grass fire/ Vanessa Harvey

“People [were] not being smart down at Golden Gardens and lighting fireworks off in the grass,” says Vanessa Harvey. “We ran up… and I helped put it out with countless other Ballard folk.”

“Our community was amazing at jumping into action to put out the fire. Fire was contained before fire trucks were able to get there and with everyone’s help it was a lot better then it could have been,” she says.

Meanwhile, other folks enjoyed the Lake Union fireworks by lining the Ballard piers for what they could see of the Seattle light show, while other families attended the Ballard Community Center for a small community fireworks display.

Top right: Beach fireworks/ John Foster
Bottom right: Golden Gardens grass fire/ Vanessa Harvey

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