Locals are invited to attend the final public meeting to give input on plans for the Greenwood/Phinney Park Development that is set to be built between N 81st St and N 82nd St on the east side of Greenwood Ave N.
Seattle Parks and Recreation thanks the Greenwood/Phinney neighborhood for their participation in the last public meeting on November 2.
At that meeting Seattle Parks presented three concepts and play options and gathered community feedback. An online survey was created in addition to printed surveys at the Greenwood Library for those who were unable to attend the meeting. Locals can download the survey results here.
Locals are invited to give more feedback at the final public meeting which will be held on Wednesday, February 1, from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Greenwood Community Center (525 N 85th St).
Click here to find out more about the Greenwood/Phinney Park Development.