A few stores in Ballard have been hit by a group of teenagers who have been sneaking into back rooms and stealing employees’ belongings.
Paula Lukoff from Classic Consignment wrote about her experience on the My Ballard Group, after their store was robbed on February 28.
She says a group of three to five young teenagers “wearing hoodies and loose baggy clothing” entered the store and distracted the staff while one boy snuck into the back room to look for wallets. Lukoff says the boys then purchase Visa cards at local QFCs with the stolen credit cards.
Charlene Drake, an employee at Kitchen N Things told KIRO 7 that they hit her shop as well. Both her wallet and cellphone were stolen last month out of her purse that was in the store’s stockroom.
Another store that was targeted is ReStyle for Ryther Thrift Shop.
The stores have filed police reports, but so far, no suspects have been identified.
“Please be aware – if you see something odd while your shopping in Ballard– alert the staff,” Lukoff writes.
Ah good, the Commons Park/QFC crime vector is coming along nicely.
O’Brien’s Kids!
Much more likely bored privileged teenagers with upper-middle-class parents.
Wait, I actually do agree with you here. Many of the junkies are spoiled kids from rich latte liberal families – which I think might be part of the reason the local “leaders” are so soft on all the brats.
Or they could be hoodrats angry that they were made to do homework by teachers paid for by taxpayers. Hard to say.
While there are quite a few liberal families in the area, you’re forgetting about the “family values” conservatives that raise bigots. When it comes to teenage hooliganism, kids reach across the isle. They don’t tend to separate themselves as much as adult bigots do from the adult virtue-signalers.
Muh Jussie Smollett!
yeah, so i’ve seen you rant on this person before. literally had no idea who this person was until all the wack-job conservative media outlets (and yes, you) started pointing fingers saying “see! see! someone lied about being racially profiled! it must mean all accusations are false!”
did you know that typically when someone lies about something like this, it’s because they’ve already been through multiple legitimate experiences where they weren’t believed? not standing up for him in any way, it was wrong to be sure. i want you to take a look at your motive for why you’re saying this though. are you so GD triggered by someone lying about being racially profiled that you hang onto it for weeks and bring it up in a comment that has absolutely nothing to do with it? do you really believe hate crimes against black people don’t happen? why would you so tightly latch onto literally the only example any of us have heard of with a person of color lying in relation to a hate crime, and NOT bring up one of the THOUSANDS of hate crimes that do happen per year? what is so off in your head that you have focused so hard on this?
“Quite a few liberal families” you say. LOL. Tell me how many of us conservatives you feel there are then sport? Do you want us to go away for you? Perhaps you should watch the History channel for a day or 2 + learn something. You are all a bunch of group thinkers pal. You defining a conservative made me throw up in my mouth. Are “family values” to you people shooting up heroin in city parks while YOUR kids play there? Campers/tents everywhere? Aborting living babies? Government making every decision for you? You ARE a huge gigantic virtue signal in everything you do + say + who you vote for. Getting your information from Colbert + Kibble makes 1 smart. Perhaps this is AOC?
heroin addicts are here because of your family values, your NIMBYism, your lack of support for mental health services, your lack of support for many low income resources. do you think mental illness is a choice? do you think homelessness is a choice? of course you do, because your holier than thou attitude clearly shows so. FWIW i have no idea who kibble is, and i stopped watching colbert once he sold out to corporate america. if you don’t realize that AOC is going to be around for a LONG time because that’s the direction of America’s beliefs, you need to get the needle out of your own arm.
OOoooooo, yuh are feeling FIERCE and SAUCY today U.B! Ugh! Us lib tards may not agree with you in the slightest, but coming from such a strapping, verbose, confused white dude man-splaining it to us all, HOOO WEEE! GROWL! (paw, paw, paw) And unlike the likes of John Wayne who is succinct, you just let it all hang out real nice like! The more you write, the more we all swoon with the vapors. Winking your way!
#SolidBurn :)
Drug addiction impacts people of all socioeconomic status. I hope it hasn’t affected your family.
Hoodies and loose baggy clothing, I certainly hope they weren’t colored kids.
The kids are clearly seen on video. I was working at one of the shops hit. They were 4 black kids with noticeable accents.
Did they sound like fluffer or surly?
Hilarious Toad, what a zinger. Most likely they sounded like children of bad parenting and a self-centered community that no longer takes care of each other. But go ahead, blame it on Liberals and the City Council like a tired one-trick pony.
The root of this particular problem is bad parenting so we are in agreement on that point.