Ballard Multimodal Project construction update

The project to connect part of the Burke-Gilman Trail in Ballard is making steady progress, as crews have been working to create new storm drains along the path of the trail near the Ballard Locks.

Last week, crews installed new storm drain structures and pipe runs along NW 54th St and NW Market St from 32nd Ave NW to 29th Ave NW. This week, they’ll continue working east, installing drainage structures between 28th Ave NW and 24th Ave NW.

In addition to their drainage work, crews are also sawcutting to prepare for the roadway and sidewalk demolition on the north side of NW 54th St between 32nd Ave NW and NW Market St.

When the trail is cleared, crews will realign the roadway to the north to make room for the widened sidewalk and joint-use trail on the south side of NW 54th St. Driveways will remain open during the work.

The detour on NW Market and NW 54th between 30th and 32nd is still in place, and as soon as this week, crews will be installing traffic control on NW Market St between 30th and 24th. SDOT says parking will be reduced during this time.

A 4-way stop will be installed at 32nd Ave NW and Market St to help control traffic, and the Metro bus stop in front of the Locks will be temporarily shifted west as crews work on the sidewalk.

To read more or to receive updates via email, visit the Ballard Multimodal Project website.

19 thoughts to “Ballard Multimodal Project construction update”

    1. This would be done a lot faster if we could increase the speed of construction workers and vehicles to very near the speed of light. The downside is the construction workers would age extremely quickly.

      1. It’s become shameful that (the toxically masculine) Bill Nye and (serial sexual assailant) Neil deGrasse Tyson have merged science and pop culture to the point that actual truth in science is no longer desired. Anyone who took a basic physics course would know that traveling near the speed of light dilates time and therefore would slow the aging process. Perhaps leave the science to actual scientists and go back to watching the Kardashians.

        1. Ah, but I didn’t explain that to counteract the near infinite amounts of energy required to construct things near the speed of light, which would likely tear our world and solar system asunder, we would simply need to maintain an inverse energy field.

          The downside is that in doing so, the Lorentz transformation equation gets inverted, resulting in the massive speedup of the aging process for those inside the IEF. Also, crossing the IEF barrier also has implications not to dissimilar to crossing the Rubicon, which we don’t fully understand yet.

          I figured you would have known that already, but you clearly aren’t as intelligent as you pretend to be. Coincidentally, Dr. Kardashian is going to talk about this very phenomenon on her show tonight at 8/7c, I suggest you tune in. 👍

          1. It’s just an indication that toxic masculinity is present when a man won’t just admit he is wrong. There is a privilege exerted when he thinks he has the right to be right even when facts get in the way. A lot of analysis this behavior among liberals is what lead to Trump being elected (along with racism of course).

          2. Self righteous internet idiots on bully pulpits misrepresenting concepts and brow beating about “toxic masculinity” and other buzz words also swayed many toward the Trump camp.

          3. It most definitely is a real thing. You just seem to misunderstand and misuse the term with great frequency.

          4. I’m glad we could agree on something (the existence of toxic masculinity and the fact that Truth exudes it).

          5. First, you appropriated the name of a previous user of this site and used it to spew lies and far-right propaganda.

            Then, at some point in the past few weeks, after getting tired of being constantly disproven by other commentors, you switched to being a really bad attempt at a concern troll.

            Again, I’d say don’t quick your day job, unless it’s being a blog troll, in which case you should definitely quit that.

            Now let’s get back to the original conversation of impossible methods of constructing the bike path faster.

          6. Not surprised that you think as a man you have the right to determine what the conversation should be (and you direct it away from social justice issues).

          7. 1. Appropriation of blog usernames.
            2. Troll-splaining.
            3. Force-identifying me as a man.
            4. Hijacking the conversation about my Inverse Energy Field method of faster construction.

            You’re not just a bad concern troll, you’re a terrible concern troll.

          8. That about face in trolling elenchos2 did in early April was pretty damned funny. Both sides of the personality switch are ridiculous and poorly played.

          9. One thing is for sure – this forum gets off topic at speeds approaching the speed of light! I’m not sure if its causing me to age faster or slower, but it certainly gets old.

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