Scenes from the Fremont Fair and Solstice Parade

Today is one of the city’s biggest celebrations of the Summer Solstice, with the Fremont Fair and Solstice Parade taking over downtown Fremont all day.

We’ll be updating with photos all day — if you have some to share, email us at

By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield

Meanwhile, the Craft Fair at the Fremont Fair is going strong with over 300 . vendors.

By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield
By Laura Mansfield

12 thoughts to “Scenes from the Fremont Fair and Solstice Parade”

  1. The solstice festival looks like a fun community building event. I would attend if it weren’t for the naked bike riders and general openness toward nudity associated with the event. Unfortunately that keeps me and many of my friends from participating, but otherwise it looks like a grand time!

    1. The painted bodies are called ART. You do not look at the body as if it’s got clothes on it or not. That’s not the point. You are supposed to look at the painted body as art. If you can get that down, you are doing alright and getting the point.

    2. carsongbaker – people are too hung up on naked bodies. We are born naked and many off us end up naked when we die. Our bodies are not something to hide or be ashamed of. I believe if we were all comfortable with being naked and we could be naked with strangers in groups our lives would be very different. There is no reason to be ashamed or offended by a naked body! We do that with our moral judgments about nudity, sexuality and our fears of what could happen. What the bike ride is about is expressing human freedom, it all started with some people “streaking” the parade back in the early 1990s.

    3. The painted bikers are the best part of the parade! Always have some interesting body painting going on – different creatures/heroes/goofy stuff.

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