Snow expected this evening in ‘major changes’ to the forecast

8:50am: Seattle Public Utilities will be operating on limited pickups today, and are cancelling pickups in Ballard due to icy and unsafe road conditions. They say other areas that could be impacted include steep blocks in Queen Anne, Magnolia, Maple Leaf, and Wedgewood.

If your garbage isn’t picked up, you may set out double the normal amount on your next scheduled collection day.

Original: While Seattle schools are delayed again this morning due to icy roads, the National Weather Service says a major shift in the forecast will bring snow this evening and overnight.

The forecast now calls for up to three inches in Seattle, expected to start just after the evening commute, after 8pm. In addition to the snow, high winds are expected on Wednesday — up to 45mph in some areas.

Seattle Schools’ buses are on snow routes, with morning half-day preschool closed again, including Head Start and Developmental Preschool. Afternoon half-day preschool, Head Start, and Developmental Preschool are on a regular schedule, but no district transportation will be provided. Full day preschool, SPP and Head Start are still running.

They say to check with your childcare provider for before or after school care, and to check schools for athletics and after school activities that don’t require transportation.

For King County Metro information, visit this website to learn if your bus is on a snow route.

At this point, a few local buses are experiencing delays and re-routing, including Route 28, which has been rerouted for icy conditions.

We’ll continue updating this post throughout the day — send us your snow pics at

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

6 thoughts to “Snow expected this evening in ‘major changes’ to the forecast”

  1. Seattle media has been hyping the weather forever. Be it snow, wind or rain, it seldoms never meets the media’s expectations.. Seattle doesn’t have hurricanes, tornados, floods, excessive snowfall, ect.

    1. Do you then find it ironic or even troubling that this very same cabal, be it here, or any large American city, all predicted a Hillary land slide too? I wonder, are all the weather-personnel going on live TV to apologize, for being so wrong? Look, a squirrel.

        1. what he is referring to, is hillary’s ability to always fall down or slip, as in slip on ice. Instead of just being drunk old hag. clear now, crystal you say.

          1. Another Hillary admirer! I didn’t realize we had quite the Hillary fan club in the blog comment section.

            Guys, she’s flattered, but she’s taken!

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