24th Ave street-end pier open for spring and summer

The new pier at the end of 24th Ave NW is open to pedestrians through the end of the summer.

The pier was restored as part of Seattle Public Utilities’ Ship Canal Water Quality Project, which still has several years before completion. In addition to the restoration, the new pier also has an art inlay created by artist Christian French.

The opening comes as something of a surprise, thanks to nudge from a Ballard Landmark Senior, “who, like her colleagues, intends to live forever, but at 80 years old and in a wheelchair admits that you never know,” Colleen Coghlan from the Ballard Landmark tells My Ballard.

“Having the freed Pier as a walker destination will surely lead to our better health and maybe, longer life in Seattle,” she writes.

The new pier will stay open to pedestrians until the end of August. It will remain closed to vehicles and boaters until 2024.

Photo: Collen Coghlan

5 thoughts to “24th Ave street-end pier open for spring and summer”

  1. Can’t wait to go drink a beer at the end of the dock, then crush it and smash it in between the planks… the good old days.

  2. That’s seriously great! Thank you Colleen!

    But at the city: why not boats? It’s a dock. I for one want to tie up and go spend some money at local businesses, who very much need it right now. Seriously.

    1. My guess is that, since they didn’t intend to open the pier at all until 2024, and the pier will only be open in a temporary capacity until August, when construction use will take it over, the effort needed to open to boats and cars was likely not worth it.

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