Art by Fire leaving Ballard

After more than a decade, Art by Fire is leaving Ballard.

Renée Pound and Lenoard Whitfield opened the glass blowing studio and gallery in 1997 and then expanded to Issaquah. Three years ago, Lenoard was involved in a serious car accident that changed his life. “After Lenoard’s accident, it became apparent that a lifestyle change was needed and necessary. In the end, the country life prevailed!” they wrote in an email. “We will miss Ballard and the people of Ballard tremendously. It was, after all, where artbyfire was born and nurtured.” There will be big sale on the glass and “everything else on site” next weekend during the Seafood Fest. Everything, that is, except the dog Lilly. (Thanks for the tip Catherine.)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

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