Ballard Natural Drainage project meeting tomorrow

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is holding a public meeting tomorrow night to discuss the findings of drainage analysis in Ballard. SPU has been gathering data and input from the community over the last few months, and have identified the most promising locations for the project in Ballard, which would install rain gardens in residential streets to combat stormwater runoff.

SPU is asking the residents of the blocks indicated in the map shown here to join them on Wednesday, June 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Northminster Presbyterian Church (7706 25th Ave NW) to discuss the potential for natural drainage projects in this area. The blocks in the map include those south of NW 85th St, north of NW 65th St, and west of 15th Ave NW. Those blocks were chosen because they have a high likelihood of outwash soils, which means water can drain quickly through the soil. The area also has an ideal geography; gentle street slopes, fewer mature trees, and wider planting strips. SPU also says this part of Ballard provides the ability to create corridors for safe pedestrian and bike routes while maintaining streetscape aesthetics.

The meeting will include overview, for those new to the project, an open house with project staff, and breakout sessions in the project area.  After getting feedback this summer, SPU will announce its recommendations and will work with residents on block designs throughout the next year, with construction starting in 2015.

If you’d like to offer input but can’t make it to the meeting, contact project leader Shanti Colwell at or 206-386-1501. Click here for a flyer about the event.

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