Throwback Thursday: Sunset Hill back in the day

This week, we wanted to take a look back at some photos of Sunset Hill in times gone by. Have more photo? Email

The below photo was taken outside Quality Market on Sunset Hill in 1935.

The view from Sunset Hill Park (7531 34th Ave NW) in 1935. Sunset Hill Park was a gift to Ballard by Mr. and Mrs. Moomaw and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson in 1903.


The below photo of Gilman Park Apartments at the bottom of Sunset Hill (address as seen in the photo as 1505 W 60th St) was taken in 1937. The building is still standing and currently houses Liberty Tax Services and Pasta Bella (pictured below).

Gilman-Park-Bldg.-1937-cropped-1024x469 apt

Photo and information courtesy of Ballard Historical Society and Seattle Parks and Recreation.

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