Dog rescued from apartment fire

About five hours after this morning’s apartment fire at 24th Ave. NW and 67th St., firefighters were called three blocks away for a “food on the stove” fire in an apartment unit at 24th Ave. NW and 64th St.

The fire was small, but it gave off a lot of heavy smoke. When Ladder 8 firefighters entered the unit, “Lieutenant Fenstermaker found this pup scared and hiding in the back room, and brought it outside to safety,” Seattle Fire said. “We love animals at Seattle Fire!”

Fortunately there were no injuries, human or canine.

(Photo from the Seattle Fire Department)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

12 thoughts to “Dog rescued from apartment fire”

  1. “We love animals at Seattle Fire!”

    Sounds like the fireman down the street who I see grilling up slabs of meat like some sort of caveman

  2. Actually, aforementioned hippy got it right.

    Any self-respecting vegetarian these days does so because the environmental degradation of raising meat–particularly beef is astoundingly bad for the Earth.

    C’mon we have such great sea-caught alternatives here– you have no excuse!

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