Haven Salon burgled for the second time in a month

Haven Salon (5810 24th Ave NW) in Ballard been targeted twice in the past month by burglars.

“Unfortunately a cloud has appeared over our usually serene Haven,” Haven Salon write on their Facebook page. They’ve just been broken into a second time in a five-week period, with the burglars stealing equipment and products from the salon. 

“Please let this be a warning to surrounding small businesses and, although highly unlikely, notify us if anyone attempts to resell our stolen property — hair cutting shears, Davines products, and professional hair color,” they write.

Haven told KOMO News that in the first break-in, the burglars broke through a door and stole an iPad and cash. Haven stylist Lisa Pekar told KOMO that in the second break-in, the thieves stole $8,000 worth of shears and $5,000 worth of products and jewelry.

Haven has a still-image of the burglar from a security camera, which shows a man in dark clothes. If you have any information about the incident, contact Seattle Police on their non-emergency line, 206-625-5011.


22 thoughts to “Haven Salon burgled for the second time in a month”

  1. Must be all those “nazis”.
    Time to put on some pink hats and march against hardworking taxpayers. Lord knows these crimes aren’t impacting small business, because Rainbow Brite Durkan says she’s “on the side of local business!”. Ballard is the new Lake City! Nice work libtards!

    1. OMG, I love your thinking. No feelings required either. Being a good dummycrat means holding your nose while voting and always looking there other way when the S hits the fan. Our fearless leaders count on the fact that most don’t own or run a business, dealing with all it takes to keep afloat, but sure do love the revenue they bring in, yet make it tougher daily to stay around. I feel more rainbow crosswalks and heroin will soon remedy this mess.

    1. Lol, 16 downvotes for hoping they catch the burglar. We can only surmise they hope the guy stays free to continue on committing his “survival crimes.”

  2. So sad we have people-experiencing-bad-hair-days in our community and they are reduced to this.

    Maybe we need to have a city “hair tax” to pay for free haircuts for members of our vulnerable communities?

  3. They ripped the lock box and the whole window off on Market St. at the Odd Fellows. You wonder where the police are? It has happened multiple times.

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