Funding available to help register new Little Free Libraries

Little Free Libraries are popping up on neighborhood blocks all over the city, and Sustainable Ballard is offering to help cover the costs for new ones.

The Little Free Library program is nationwide; to start one, you build it yourself and then register on their website. It’s $45 to register, but Sustainable Ballard has offered to award $20 refunds to those who agree to put their libraries on the Ballard Little Free Library map.

To apply, email or visit Sustainable Ballard’s website to learn more.

Photo courtesy Sustainable Ballard

10 thoughts to “Funding available to help register new Little Free Libraries”

      1. You don’t enjoy p@rn? I simply believe in sharing mine, especially Hustlers from the 1980s. Ballard kids need to learn that not all bushes are trimmed beyond recognition.

  1. Can somebody please explain these things to me. I do know we have libraries spread throughout the city (that we all pay for), along with the internet. While I witness things modernizing, we get these things. They remind me of something from a century ago in small American cities. Perhaps we’ll soon get cassette and 8-track hot-spot huts too?

    1. I know reading and comprehension are not your strong suits, hence why you (1) missed the descriptive link in the first three words of the summary and (2) are dumbfounded by people sharing their love of books with others.

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