A large apartment complex is still in the planning stages for the northwest corner of the busy NW 85th St and 15th Ave NW intersection, with updated plans emerging.
The plans are for a seven-story mixed-use building with one level of below-grade parking. There would be 200 total residential units, 11,300 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor, and parking accessible off the alley. (Find the Design Review Proposal PDF here.)
The apartment complex would be the first in the Crown Hill Urban Village to be built to the recently up-zoned 75-foot height limit.

Architects Clark Barnes have presented a number of different design options, with the preferred version creating a combined larger building (as opposed to two separate buildings connected by a narrow alleyway). That design includes a public plaza at the intersection of 85th and 15th (shown below, denoted by the number 1).

According to the Seattle DJC, developers LMC (Lennar Multifamily Communities) are behind the plans, set to buy the 30,940-square-foot property.
Cramming and jam wadding people on top of each other. Hello Beijing. Do fish even know or care they’re in water???
No one is forcing you to live there.
I’m excited to see the end of these dilapidated buildings and unkempt parking lots. Is Goofys staying?
(Un)fortunately, Goofy’s is buffered by the dilapidated Centerfolds building.
From the image showing the project site, it looks like this building extends past the north parking lot of what used to be the pizza hut. Which north of that is a new building.
That’s a big project.
ok boomer
Also, hello Paris, London, Rome, New York, Tokyo, Geneva, Chicago, Madrid, Berlin, Singapore, Miami…..
You know, hello “Planet Earth”.
Maybe you need to put on your big boy pants to travel further afield than Phinney?
New York, London, Paris, Munich, everybody talk about…
Ive been to several of those cities you mentioned, and all of them have wonderful public transportation. We shouldn’t get too far ahead of ourselves and increase density too much without also first considering the infrastructre.
Let’s just have people living on the sidewalk instead!
That happened in 2016 when ST3 passed.
What is water?
The “public plaza” on the south-east corner looks tiny. maybe there is more on the 85th street side.