Design plans have been firmed up for the large apartment building going in at the corner of 2501 NW Market St.
Earlier plans were for a 7-story, 120-unit apartment building. Now, the plan is for an 8-story, 112-unit apartment with parking for 61 vehicles. The developer, J. Selig Real Estate, last year applied to rezone the parcel fromIC-65 (M) (Industrial Commercial) to NC3P-75 (M) (Neighborhood Commercial-3 with a Pedestrian Designation). The rezoning would allow for a 75′ height limit as opposed to the 65′ of the current zoning designation.
The building is on the west end of a series of three different developments set to reshape the entire southwest corner of 24th and Market. The property just east of 2501 NW Market St will be turned into a 171-unit apartment building, and the building at the corner of the 24th and Market will turn into a 188-unit apartment building.

The latest design review plans haven’t yet been published online, but you can check out Mithun’s design packet from May 2021 to get a sense of the upcoming development.
J. Selig is also behind the plans to turn the Ballard Firestone into a 7-story apartment building.
There will be a public virtual design review meeting on March 7 to discuss the new plans for 2501 NW Market St.
Rendering by Mithun
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