Fremont Brewing sells to Pike Brewing parent company

Fremont Brewing (1050 N 34th St) has just sold to the parent company of Pike Brewing.

Seattle Hospitality Group (SHG), which also owns Ethan Stowell Restaurants, now has a controlling stake in Fremont Brewing.

In a press release, SHG said the acquisition means they will provide Fremont Brewing with resources and support to accelerate its growth plans. While each brewery will maintain its existing brand identity, Fremont and Pike Brewing (acquired in 2021) will work together to “push the boundaries of local craft beer excellence and growth.”

Fremont Brewing owner Matt Lincecum said he’s excited about the new direction and about partnering with Pike Brewing.

“Charles and Rose Ann (Finkel) built Pike into a legendary brewery, and we look forward to honoring and building upon their legacy. Both of our breweries share a deep-rooted passion for brewing exceptional beer and fostering meaningful connections within the local community.

“Keeping it local is really what this partnership with SHG, Pike, and Fremont is all about.”

Photo by Fremont Brewing