As options for the Ballard Light Rail alignment have been narrowed down, the Seattle Transit Blog is urging against a 14th Ave NW station. Sound Transit’s Stakeholder Advisory Group’s current […]
Tag: Ballard Light Rail

Sound Transit narrows down Ballard light rail options
The options for the Ballard light rail route have been slightly narrowed down, thanks to recent town halls and public feedback. There were a handful of options presented by Sound […]
Narrowing down the Ballard light rail routes as decision time nears
Sound Transit has been busy boiling down thousands of public comments to find the best light rail route into Ballard. Even though light rail is YEARS away, the decision on […]

Several alternative routes suggested in Ballard light rail feedback
Now that the “early scoping” public comment period is over, Sound Transit is going through the Ballard and West Seattle light rail feedback, looking for consistent themes. They’ve boiled down […]
Councilmember urges Sound Transit to consider ‘west is best’ light rail route
Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles has joined several community groups in support of an alternative plan for the Ballard light rail extension called “west is best.” As we reported last week, the […]

Groups push for light rail tunnel into Ballard and new Interbay route
The first wave of light rail feedback from Ballard neighbors has focused on Sound Transit’s plans to build a movable bridge over Salmon Bay. Many residents suggested a tunnel into […]

Should Ballard light rail take a bridge over Salmon Bay? Or tunnel underneath it?
Reading some of the early feedback on the Ballard light rail project, one of the early points of contention is how the trains will cross Salmon Bay from Interbay into […]

Sound off in Sound Transit’s online open house for Ballard light rail
While the Ballard light rail’s open house is coming up on Thursday evening, you don’t have to wait until then to offer your feedback. Sound Transit launched a rather elaborate […]
What if the Sounder train added a Ballard stop?
That’s the idea floated by Stephen Fesler in the Urbanist: what if the North Sounder train, which travels between Seattle and Everett, added stops in Ballard, Interbay and Belltown? Since […]
Plans rolling ahead for Ballard Light Rail extension
Ballard is one step closer to getting a light rail: the Sound Transit Board approved contracts for both the Ballard and West Seattle Link Extensions and established a plan for […]
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