Volunteers needed for 14th Ave NW spring clean

Starting this weekend, volunteers will be out cleaning up 14th Ave NW as part of the annual Spring Clean, organized by the East Ballard Community Association.

Rather than a big one-day event, the clean-up will be spread out over two weeks (May 30 – June 14) to maintain physical distancing, with volunteers signing up to clean sections of 14th Ave NW.

The EBCA asks that volunteers help pick up trash and/or weed the rain gardens and medians along the road, keeping in mind six-feet distancing and using personal tools. However, if needed, vests, bags, gloves and picker uppers are available upon request; contact Dawn at eastballard@gmail.com to schedule a pick up.

The sections of road that still need volunteers are along 14th between NW 45th St and NW 51st St—to volunteer, visit EBCA’s online sign-up form.

4 thoughts to “Volunteers needed for 14th Ave NW spring clean”

    1. Thankfully there are many more good folks who care about our community and and give back, than there are worthless d-bags like El Grunion and Fudge who just whine and complain like children, and never contribute anything. Only a weak, self-absorbed person would just complain about everything and take no action, but it takes an actual good strong person to spend their time and effort Caring about their community and neighbors.

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