Safeway on Crown Hill has just opened its gas station to a low introductory price of $3.40 a gallon, which is about .15 cents cheaper than everywhere else. Plus, you […]
Tag: growth
Developer ‘open’ to new bowling alley
The developer that purchased the land under Sunset Bowl says says they’re “open” to considering adding a bowling alley in the new development, which is slated to begin construction next […]
Interbay to become ‘urban village’
Over the weekend, we posted a blurb about the Whole Foods coming to Interbay. “Interbay is frankly hideous. Why that area can’t get its act together for beautification is beyond […]
Scenes from a demolition
Peter Charbonnier posted this photo in the Ballard Flickr pool (more here)… He says it was a big white house at the corner of 9th and 50th. “But fear not […]
Mike’s Chili holds the corner
Judy asked in comments a couple days ago about Mike’s Chili Parlor, which sits on the Northwest corner of that big development on 46th St. — the same development that’s […]
‘Can you say traffic jams?’
A letter from Ballard resident Steve Drake appeared in today’s Seattle Times (read it here, but scroll down). “The other day, I get in the mail an artist’s rendition of […]
What’s a good name for ‘Ballard Canyon?’
It struck me how different Leary Way looks with all the construction going on just south of Market Street. Once a street lined with mostly single story structures, the buildings […]
The hole that was QFC
The QFC’s demolition is complete, and construction is now underway for the eight-story apartment building, “Ballard on the Park.” Adds Karen in comments: “If you stand in the small adjoining […]
Fremont development to claim Tacos Guaymas
Sure, it’s a chain, but Tacos Guaymas added some affordable (and tasty) variety to the Thai-heavy restaurant scene in Fremont. A land use action sign outside the restaurant at 100 N. […]
Petition to NOT save the Denny’s
My Ballard reader Ronan sent us this note: “My girlfriend and I had an interesting encounter last Saturday afternoon that I thought I’d share. Two guys standing on Market Street […]
A look inside the old Ballard Denny’s
Seattle’s Landmark Preservation Board toured the boarded-up Denny’s yesterday, and today the property owners invited members of the media to tour the building. Benaroya Companies’ Marc Nemirow and architect Arthur […]
No truth to Ballard Market rumors
There’s quite a discussion on LiveJournal about a rumor that Ballard Market has been purchased by condo developers. So we called the store manager for the straight scoop. “There is […]
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